domingo, 21 de setembro de 2008

Archlinux - oh can't install

Hi folks,

I was a guy of archlinux some years ago. :)
But it had severals bugs when I was trying use.

Today I was trying install ArchLinux. But oh. I coudn't.

Error no /src/core/pkg is missing and if I try by FTP errors return on select packages.

How solve?

Solution: Remove /tmp/.pkgcategory [1]

[1] -


quinta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2008

ssh server without auth (no auth server/client)

Well I have a Mac OS and Ubuntu.

My ubuntu have sshd - server.

I didn't want no autentification on ssh server.

Introdution and overview about keygen

if you want no auth in ssh server, you need access on your ssh server to change some configs.
If it is a public server (like hosting servers ) configs on server should be done.

Only need to upload your key.

How to say to ssh server that it's my machine trying login?

Client generate a private and public key. You share public key with server.
private and public key matches by algorithm and it's authentication.

So server recognize the keys and doesn't ask password.

How to do that?


Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Change some configs to:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM no

Reload server:

sudo /etc/init.d/ssh reload


Gerate key:

ssh-keygen -q -f id_rsa -t rsa

scp ~/.ssh/ user@server:~/.ssh/
ssh user@server
cd .ssh

do same on server if you wish.


Put this at server:

server$ chmod go-w ~/
server$ chmod 700 ~/.ssh
server$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Doesn't it works?

cat /var/log/auth.log and grep it!

Troubles page ssh

terça-feira, 5 de agosto de 2008

Umit 0.9.5 released and Mapper and Network Inventory, Interface Editor and others comming...

Now umits will integrate soc projects! :D

What is comming?
- Mapper
- Network Inventory
- Interface Editor
- Target widget
- NSE Script Editor

soon!! Stay tunned on trunk.

Official message from Umit:

Hi everyone!

We're happy to say we finally have a stable release. We fixed bugs, language files and complemented documentation.

Try it and let us know if you have any trouble. You can send a message to this mailing list or, if you find a bug, please report on our trac[1].

Changes since RC2:

* Changes on tarball, now it does not have *.mo (binary) files
* Fixed icons directory, it was causing problems on uninstall_umit
* Fixed CrashReport message - now have formatted view on trac
* Added number version in components of Umit (umitGUI, umitCore, higwidgets) - it is useful to view if umit is using old stuff in CrashReports.
* Remove some lines that was debuging and it was freezing Umit in some situations (Search Scans and CrashReport)
* Update keyboard shortcuts for Profiles Deletion (it was in conflict with another shortcuts)
* Update language files
* Complement documentation

You can download Umit from here:

Now we are ready to start integration of the projects of GSoC and make several improvements on Umit.
Stay tunned!



Luís Silva and Rodolfo Carvalho

quinta-feira, 24 de julho de 2008

umit on macports?

First install macports and X11:

Links here:
or older:

sudo port selfupdate

sudo port install umit

Just make umit and it runs.

or sudo umit. :)

just easy right now

Macports umit source portfile:

Bugs report to me

mercurial && svn -- is it usefull?

Hi all.

Yesterday I was talking with Bartosz ( a friend from Poland) and we're discussing about svn and mercurial. I never had used mercurial before.

Before begin technical skills to do that I need to explain situation.
If you're developer of a application that use svn and you have two computers, and you want to sync code but you can't commit it online. So mercurial it's a nice shot. I'm shipping with it.

In my example I have a desktop and a laptop (macbook) and I development lot of time in Desktop but some times I like to continue coding without commit and without copy the files by other system.

So how I can do that?

Syncing folder between a Mac and a Linux computer

What do you need?
- mercurial
- ssh server

It's easy.

In Desktop computer:

$ cd root_svn_directory
$ hg init
you need to write a similar file here:
bastiao@bastiao-desktop:~/root_svn_directory$ cat .hg/hgrc
username = Your name - desktop

And you need to wrote .hgignore. The sample it's for python. It's extension to ignore. In my case I want to ignore .svn and pyc (byte compile) files.

bastiao@bastiao-desktop:~/root_svn_directory$ cat .hgignore
syntax: glob

Nice in desktop.

Let's to laptop:

hg clone ssh://user@ip_or_host/root_svn_directory

add contents in .hg/hgrc similar of the desktop file

it's done

Now you only to do on server:
hg update
hg commit -m "message"

on the other computer, clients:

hg commit -m "message"
sync server: (push to server)
hg push

to update:
hg pull
hg update

Thanks Bart!

sexta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2008

Umit running on Mac OS with X11 (draft)

Well recently I became a mac user. I bought a macbook (intel).
And I want run Umit on my laptop. So what's can u do to run it??

- Install Xcode
- Install macports

- Install py25-gtk ( I suppose that all dependencies should be installed )
sudo port
install py25-gtk
install py25-sqlite3
(may be lack some dependences yet, i'll confirm it)

if u have Bus Error:
disable sqlite : deactive (...)

svn co umit

cd umit
go to install_scripts/macos/dependences/
and install py2app
go to umit dir and run:
python2.5 umit

Umit is running now
If u have troubles send me a email.

Primeira experiencia com mac...(draft)

Aproveito para cumprimentar todos os visitantes deste novo blog!

Este é a minha experiência com Macbook. Mais propriamente a minha primeira experiência com o Mac OS.

Estou a escrever no editor de texto e confesso que ainda tive de procurar ate o encontrar. Também foi a primeira vez que olhei para isto. Na altura nem sabia que as Applicações estavam num unico directorio.

Enfim recebi a encomenda, excelente, ligaram-me para confirmar a morada.

Recebi, tirei da caixa...

Retirei a bateria e configurei o OS X. Era quase o meu primeiro contacto com o Mac OS.. Fiquei absolutamente espantado não apenas com o Sistema Operativo em si ( baseado num antigo conhecido meu: UNIX ) mas também com o portátil em si. Trazia um comando, não resisti a experiência. Carreguei no menu e apareceu o Front-Row. Na altura nem o conhecia mas comecei a ver que era excelente a maneira com que eu poderia trabalhar no meu portátil. Peguei na maquina fotográfica e fui descarregar algumas fotos e fiquei a conhecer o iPhoto. Excelente programa para organizar fotografias. Voltei ao Front Row e comecei a ver as fotografias. Estava espantoso. Ponto complicado da coisa: onde estava a botão direito do touchpad? Ok. Descobri que tinha de carregar: Ctrl + Click e ele aparecia. Existe um monte de combinações de teclas possíveis inclusive utilizando a tecla Fn.

E como Hibernar?

Bem existe o safe sleep. Tipicamente é só fechar a tampa e ele hiberna.

Algumas configurações do modo sleep:

Abrir um terminal que fica em Aplicações -> Utilitários -> Terminal e colocar o seguinte comando,

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 1

depois é reiniciar e quando fechas a tampa ao macbook ele hiberna.

Para suspender:

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0

Para voltar ao padrão:

sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3

Já agora para copiar não se usa Ctrl + C nem Ctrl + V para colar, usa-se a tecla: "cmd".

(...) falar mais de safe sleep

Um aspecto importante também é que quando uma aplicação no Mac OS crasha (sim é raro mas pode acontecer, não é problema do Sistema Oprativo mas sim da aplicação) vai-se à dock, botão direito do rato e faz-se "Forçar Saida".

The only FREE way I have figured out how to do it is:

1. Install X11

2. Install Darwine

3. Download MagicISO

4. Open Winehelper (it's in the Darwine folder)

5. Using Winehelper, open the MagicISO installer

6. Install MagicISO

7. Using Winehelper, open MagicISO

8. Under 'Tools' Select 'Decompress UIF files' Select the UIF file you want to convert and hit 'Decompress.' It will output as an ISO. You can then use Disk Utility to open or burn the ISO."

Tipicamente depois de instalar o Darwin podemos emlar algumas aplicações do Windows.

Ver ficheiros CHM

(... ) Tweaks para Mac OS.. instalar apps, filmes etc.. acrescentar dps..

Estava na hora de verificar o mito: Pode o Macbook suportar Triple Boot?

Visto que sou estudante, iria precisar do Windows e de uma distribuição GNU/Linux.

Escolhi o Windows XP Corp SP2, e o Ubuntu 7.10 amd64 bits (Atenção, penso que e importante tratar-se da versão 64bits , por causa de alguns drivers ).

Primeiro passo: Instalar um bootloader: refit

Antes disto eu instalei uns updates ao Kernel,

deb gutsy main

deb-src gutsy main

Now update:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

woww.. it works (Macbook with Broadcam 4328 Wifi working - yes ):




sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf

ndiswrapper -l

sudo depmod -a

sudo modprobe ndiswrapper

sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.orig

echo -e 'auto lo\niface lo inet loopback\n' | sudo tee /etc/network/interfaces

sudo ndiswrapper -m

echo 'ndiswrapper' | sudo tee -a /etc/modules

echo 'ENABLED=0' | sudo tee -a /etc/default/wpasupplicant

Alguns links de referência: